Tag jaikoz
Tag jaikoz

Configure batch operations using AutoCorrect.Intelligent FileName to Tagger can extract information from the filename into the tag without having to know the format of the field.Find And Replace feature that can be used to find and replace values in all/any column.Delete Duplicates based on Musicbrainz Id and/or Acoustic Fingerprint.Export/Import metadata to/from a spreadsheet.Supports Multiple Audio formats and different audio formats can be edited the same easy way.

tag jaikoz

MetaData matching using MusicBrainz and Discogs to match tracks from the metadata in your files either automatically or manually.Acoustic matching using MusicBrainz and AcoustId to match songs based on the actual music.Changes in Jaikoz have always reflected changes in MusicBrainz, for example Jaikoz was the first application to make use of the new web service released as part of the MusicBrainz NGS release in 2011, and the first application to use the MusicBrainz seeding mechanism for adding new releases. Originally released in 2006 as a standalone music tagger without any MusicBrainz support, but support for MusicBrainz was soon added. 10% of every sale is paid to the MetaBrainz Foundation to support MusicBrainz development. A shareware version, in which changes can only be saved to 20 files during one use, is also available as a 30-day free trial. Jaikoz is commercially licensed software, written in Java 1.5 by Paul Taylor.

tag jaikoz

Jaikoz uses a relatively unusual spreadsheet metaphor for both viewing and editing data, and allows editing of over fifty fields using this spreadsheet interface, the underlying jaudiotagger tag library is released under LGPL and is used by various Java applications. This allows Jaikoz to automatically fix most of a users song collection. Matching is first applied at album level, falling back to track level where a match at album level could not be made.

tag jaikoz

Jaikoz generates acoustic fingerprints from music files using the AcoustId service, it can then look up the metadata from MusicBrainz using the AcoustId, additionally it can match based on metadata to MusicBrainz or Discogs. Jaikoz is a Java program used for editing and mass tagging music file tags.

Tag jaikoz